Eco Friendly Rat Poison: 7 Safe Alternatives
Find out how to get rid of rodents without killing them. Get the facts on safe, eco-friendly rat poison alternatives to help reduce your rat infestation. Get info on environmentally friendly rodent control.
Every year, millions of rats are killed in the United States because of rat poison. The most common rat poisons are brodifacoum and bromadiolone. These poisons kill rats by causing kidney failure and respiratory distress. Rats can also be poisoned by using a bait set out for other animals, such as cats or raccoons.
What is rat poison?
Rat poison is a broad term that can refer to a number of different products. In general, rat poison is a substance that is designed to kill rats. It can come in the form of pellets, liquids, or powders that are placed where rats are known to live or travel.
Rat poison can work quickly, causing the rats to die within days of exposure, or it can work more slowly over time, eventually leading to the rat’s death. While rat and mice poison is generally safe for humans and other animals, it can be hazardous if not used properly.

The top signs of rat infestation
No one wants to find out they have a rat infestation, but if you do, it is important to be able to identify the signs. Rats are experts at hiding, so often times people don’t know they have a problem until it’s too late.
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The top signs of rat infestation are: droppings, tracks, gnaw marks, nests, and evidence of food hoarding.
Droppings: Rats leave droppings behind. These droppings can be found in areas of your home that are not used frequently, such as basements, laundry rooms and closets.
Tracks: Rat tracks are often found in the same areas where rat droppings are found. If you see rat tracks, it’s a good idea to get rid of as many rat droppings as possible until the problem is solved.
Gnaw marks: Rat gnaw marks are usually found in areas where food is stored.
Nests: Rat nests are often located in places where food is stored, such as the wall behind the refrigerator, under sinks and cabinets.
How does rat poison work?
Rat poison is a toxin that is meant to kill rodents. It can be either an organic or inorganic compound, and it works by causing internal bleeding. The poison is usually taken orally, but it can also be injected or put into the bait.
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Types of rat poisons: Inorganic & Organic Compound
Rat poisons are a type of pesticide that is used to kill rats. There are two types of rat poisons: inorganic and organic compounds.
Inorganic rat poisons include metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury. These rat poisons can be very harmful to people and pets if they are exposed to them.
Organic rat poisons include chemicals such as warfarin, chlorophacinone, and diphacinone. These rat and mice poisons are less harmful to people and pets than inorganic rat poisons.
Which Type Should You Get
Inorganic and organic compounds can both be effective in killing rats, but there are some key differences. Inorganic poisons are typically less expensive and work faster than organic poisons. However, organic poisons are more environmentally friendly and can be less toxic to rats. Ultimately, the best type of rat poison depends on the specific situation.
What is Eco friendly rat poisons?
There are many rat poisons on the market, but not all of them are Eco friendly. Eco-friendly rat poisons are made from natural ingredients and are safer for the environment. They work just as well as traditional rat poisons, but they are less toxic to wildlife and pets. Eco friendly rat poisons can be used in homes, businesses, and agricultural settings.

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7 Environmentally Friendly Options for Rodent Control
Other than removing food sources as a rodent control method, here are seven safer alternatives to conventional rat poisons include:
#1 Use Live Traps
Mice are pesky little creatures that can invade your home and spread disease. While there are a variety of ways to get rid of mice, one of the most humane is to use live traps. Live traps work by catching the mouse in a trap and then releasing it outside. They are simple to use and can be purchased at most hardware stores.
You want to make sure to check the traps often to make sure the mice aren’t starving. Then release them anywhere away from residential homes.
#2 Try a Low-Power Electric Shock Mat
Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of trapping or killing rats, so they have developed a way to effectively repel them without harming them. A low-power electric shock mat that sends out a harmless but unpleasant jolt is available in many hardware and online stores.
This is an effective product for those who cannot bring themselves to kill rats because it deters them from entering your home or business without causing any pain or injury on their part. The mats come in tile form and can be installed over floors instead of laying them down directly on top of the surface.
What’s more, you don’t need special wiring since these use batteries to power the shocks which run along a grid system inside your house/building. Build a mat fence around the perimeters of your home; garage, attic, deck, or carport by placing one tile after another facing outward toward the pests’ entry points into your property.
Though many homeowners find this option distasteful since it’s not exactly humane (but much more effective than poisons), it’s one of the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods to control rats.
#3 Use a Rodent Cage
If you want to keep rodents out of your food, then using a rat cage is the perfect solution. Rat cages come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and they’re easy to set up. All you need is some wire mesh and a sturdy frame. Once you have the cage assembled, place it where you want the rats to stay away from your food.
The best part about rat cages is that they are reusable. Simply remove the rats when you no longer need them, clean the cage, and put it back together.
#4 Mix Ammonia for a Rat Deterrent
A cheap and easy alternative for getting rid of rats is to make a natural rat repellent out of ammonia. Ammonia, which you can purchase at most grocery stores, mixed with cotton balls will keep away rodents from your home or office.
Simply place a bowl of ammonia in an out-of-the-way spot and fill a cotton ball with the solution. Hang the balls around the perimeter of your property and keep them fresh by replacing them every few days.
#5 Use Ultrasonic Pest Repellers
Ultrasonic pest repellers are another environmentally friendly option for rodent control. These units use high-frequency sounds to scare away rodents, and they’re easy to set up. Just plug in the repeller, turn it on, and wait for the pests to leave.
Though ultrasonic pest repellers are effective at controlling rats, they may also cause damage to furniture and other electronics if used incorrectly. Be sure to consult your owner’s manual before using this product.
#6 Make a Peppermint Oil Rat Repellent
Peppermint oil is a versatile herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. One study has shown that peppermint oil can also be used as a natural rat repellent. Rats are highly sensitive to the smell of peppermint and will avoid areas where it is present. Peppermint oil is a safe and effective alternative to chemical-based rat repellents.

#7 Get a Cat
The oldest, most environmentally friendly option is to get a working cat. Cats are natural predators of rats and will help to remove them from your property. Working cats especially enjoy hunting rats, so they will take care of the task quickly and efficiently.
While rat poison may be effective in eliminating rodents, it also poses a threat to the environment. There are eco-friendly alternatives available that are just as effective at getting rid of rats without the negative impact on the planet. If you are looking to get rid of rats, consider using one of these green options.
What are the advantages of eco friendly rat poisons?
There are several advantages to using eco friendly rat poisons, but the main one is that they are a safer and more environmentally-friendly option than traditional rat poisons.
How do I know if rat poison is eco friendly?
The first step in finding an environmentally-friendly rat poison is to make sure that the product is being sold as an eco friendly option. You should definitely look for that on the label or in the ingredients list.
What is the difference between an eco friendly product and a traditional rat poison?
A traditional rat poison uses a synthetic chemical that is usually made in a laboratory. The chemicals used in an eco friendly product are natural, organic, or have been derived from natural sources.
Where can I buy eco friendly rat poison?
There is no denying that rats are pests. They like to chew on wires, spread diseases, and make a mess in your home. However, there are ways to get rid of them without harming the environment. One popular way is to use eco-friendly rat poison.