8 Brands That Sell Zero Waste Toothpaste

Do you want to switch from conventional toothpaste full of harsh chemicals and plastic packaging to a waste-free, sustainable…

Do you want to switch from conventional toothpaste full of harsh chemicals and plastic packaging to a waste-free, sustainable solution? If so, then zero-waste toothpaste is the way to go. Zero-waste toothpaste brands are becoming increasingly popular thanks to their eco-friendly approach. They use natural ingredients such as baking soda and trace mineral concentrates, and organic essential oils and come in glass containers or recyclable paper packaging.

Plus, these brands offer both fluoride and fluoride-free options. So whether you’re looking for an all-natural alternative that’s vegan and cruelty-free or just want something that won’t fill up your landfill with plastic waste – there’s a zero-waste toothpaste brand out there for everyone. Read on to learn more.

8 Zero Waste Toothpaste Brands

zero waste toothpaste

1. Burt’s Bees Toothpaste

Burt’s Bees Toothpaste is an excellent choice for those seeking to reduce their plastic waste and switch over to a waste-free toothpaste alternative. Not only does it contain natural ingredients like charcoal, but it also doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), triclosan, and parabens. Additionally, none of the artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, or dyes are used in this product, making it a vegan and cruelty-free option that won’t fill up your landfill with plastic waste.

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2. Hello Oral Care Activated Charcoal

Another great zero-waste toothpaste brand is Hello Oral Care. This product uses activated charcoal to whiten and clean your teeth, as well as baking soda and essential oils. It’s free of fluoride and SLS, making it a great choice for those seeking an all-natural solution that won’t fill up their landfill with plastic waste. Plus, the packaging is recyclable paperboard!

3. SuperBee Dentos Toothpaste

SuperBee Dentos Toothpaste Tablets are a great zero-waste toothpaste option that comes in the form of chewable tablets! These tablets are made with natural ingredients such as calcium carbonate, silica, and xylitol, as well as essential oils. Plus, they’re fluoride-free and come in a recyclable paperboard package. So whether you’re looking for a waste-free solution or just want something that won’t harm your teeth – these toothpaste tablets from SuperBee Dentos have you covered.

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4. Redmond Earthpaste 

Redmond’s Earthpaste toothpaste is another great zero-waste option. This toothpaste contains natural ingredients such as Redmond Clay, essential oils, and xylitol, and comes in a glass jar with a metal lid that can be recycled after use. Plus, it doesn’t contain any fluoride or harsh chemicals like SLS, making it safe for both your teeth and the environment.

5. Dr. Bronner’s Whole Kernel Toothpaste

zero waste toothpaste

Dr. Bronner’s Whole Kernel Toothpaste is a great choice if you’re looking for an all-natural toothpaste that won’t fill up your landfill with plastic waste since it is plastic free. This product contains natural ingredients such as coconut oil, essential oils, and baking soda, and it comes in a recyclable paperboard package. Plus, it doesn’t contain any fluoride or SLS – making it safe for both your teeth and the environment.

6. Davids Natural Toothpaste

Davids Natural Toothpaste is an excellent zero-waste option for those seeking a safe, non-toxic alternative to conventional toothpaste. It contains natural ingredients such as baking soda, essential oils, and trace mineral concentrate, and comes in a recyclable metal tube with a key included. Plus, it doesn’t contain any fluoride or harsh chemicals like SLS – making it safe for both your teeth and the environment.

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7. The VanMan Miracle Tooth Powder

The VanMan Miracle Tooth Powder is great for those who want to reduce their plastic waste and switch over to a zero-waste toothpaste option. This product comes in a recyclable glass jar, and it contains natural ingredients such as baking soda and essential oils that help clean your teeth without the use of fluoride or harsh chemicals. Plus, it also has an amazing whitening effect – so you can have brighter, whiter teeth without having to worry about filling up your landfill with plastic waste.

8. Primal Life Organics

Primal Life Organics Toothpaste is a great zero-waste option that comes in a glass jar with a metal lid. This toothpaste contains natural ingredients such as baking soda, colloidal silver, and essential oils, plus its fluoride-free toothpaste and harsh chemicals like SLS and parabens. Which is much better than traditional toothpaste which is wasting toothpaste with fluoride. Plus, this product is vegan and cruelty-free – making it an ethical choice for those who are looking to reduce their environmental impact.

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The Benefits of Zero Waste Practices 

In today’s world, it is more important than ever to prioritize sustainability and reduce our environmental impact. One of the most effective ways to do this is by practicing a zero-waste lifestyle. Zero waste is a lifestyle that focuses on reducing consumption and eliminating as much waste as possible from our lives. Here are just a few benefits of living a zero-waste lifestyle. 

Reduce Pollution 

One of the biggest benefits of practicing zero waste is that it reduces pollution. When you produce less waste, you’re creating less burden on landfills and incinerators, which in turn reduces air pollution caused by burning trash or methane gas produced by decomposing materials. You’re also preventing plastic or other materials from entering the ocean, which can cause harm to marine life. 

Save Money 

Living a zero-waste lifestyle also has economic benefits. When you reduce your consumption, you are saving money on items that would otherwise be thrown away after use. Plus, investing in high-quality products with fewer packaging materials can cost less in the long run than buying cheaper items with more packaging materials. For example, buying bulk food items instead of pre-packaged snacks can save money over time while still reducing your overall waste output.  

Help Your Community 

Zero waste practices can also help your local community and environment in other ways. By participating in neighborhood cleanups or composting programs, you are helping make your community look better while reducing the amount of litter on streets and sidewalks or encouraging sustainable gardening practices amongst your neighbors. Taking steps like these will go a long way toward making your community a healthier and more beautiful place to live for everyone.

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Living a zero-waste lifestyle has many benefits—for both individuals and their communities—including reduced pollution, saved money, and improved local environments. Implementing practices like shopping for bulk food items instead of pre-packaged snacks and participating in neighborhood cleanups can all help move us toward a more sustainable future with fewer environmental impacts from our everyday activities. With so many advantages to adopting this lifestyle, there’s no better time than now to start taking steps toward becoming more environmentally conscious.

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